The Vicksburg Foundation for
Historic Preservation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation
founded in 1958 to identify, preserve, protect, and interpret the historic
built environment of Vicksburg and Warren County.

The Foundation seeks to achieve its
mission through advocacy, participation in community
planning, educational and volunteer programs, acquisition and
stabilization of endangered properties and research and technical
assistance programs.
VFHP is governed by a 7-member volunteer board of directors who are
elected by the general membership of the Foundation.
Membership in the Foundation is available to anyone interested in
preservation and the objectives of the foundation, and is available
at several levels: student, individual, family, contributing,
sustaining, patron, life, corporate and business. The VFHP employees a full-time
director who manages its preservation efforts.
Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum
Income for the Foundation's
preservation efforts comes from membership dues, fundraising,
donations, consulting contracts and services and retail sales and
admissions from the Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum which the Foundation
owns and operates.
What We Do
The Vicksburg Foundation for Historic
Preservation is dedicated to preserving and protecting the
historic, architectural and cultural character of the City of
Vicksburg and its environs and to educating the public about our
unique historic, architectural and cultural heritage.
Vicksburg's Historic
The Foundation seeks to achieve its
mission through:
Active advocacy and
participation in community planning and development.
Enhancing the public's
awareness and support of preservation through the provision of
technical assistance and education programs.
Documenting Vicksburg's rich
historic and architectural heritage.
As funds are available, the
conservation and preservation of endangered historic or
architecturally significant properties through acquisition and
stabilization. The Foundation encourages third-party
acquisition and restoration to achieve long-term preservation of
the structure.
Maintaining financial and
organizational independence.

Unique Vicksburg Pierced Columns
If you have questions about a
historic or architecturally-significant structure, we will work with
you to find the answers. If you and others are interested in
trying to preserve a landmark, a neighborhood or a district, we will
work with you to advocate preservation and provide technical
assistance to help achieve its preservation.
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