National Trust for Historic Preservation
The National Trust provides leadership, education, advocacy, and
resources to save America's diverse historic place and revitalize
our communities.
Preservation Online
The online magazine of the National Trust.
National Register of Historic Places
The nation's office list of cultural resources worthy of
Mississippi Heritage Trust
MHT was established as the only statewide non-profit organization in
Mississippi to serve as a unified voice for preservation in the
Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation
A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the diverse
cultural heritage of Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Mississippi Delta
and the American South.
Mississippi Main Street Association
A private, non-profit organization contracted wtih the Mississippi
Development Authority in 1989 to administer the Main Street Program,
and to direct the revitalization efforts of downtowns and
surrounding neighborhoods throughout Mississippi's cities and towns.
Main Street Program
In 1984, Vicksburg was chosen as one of the original six
Mississippi Main Street towns. The Vicksburg Main Street
Program employees a full-time director and assistant director
and is guided by a volunteer board of directors elected by the
members of the Main Street taxing district. The Vicksburg Main
Street Program’s primary mission follows the National Main
Street program’s “four point” approach; organization,
promotion, design, and economic restructuring.
Vicksburg National Military Park

Artillerists at the National Military Park
Office Web Site of the State of Mississippi
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Mississippi Division of Tourism

The Beautiful Vicksburg Sunset
Mississippi Arts Commission
Natchez Historic Foundation
Mississippi Chapter, American Planning Association
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
Official Web Site, City of Vicksburg
Official Web Site, Warren County, Mississippi

Warren County Court House
Vicksburg Convention Center and Auditorium
Vicksburg Convention and Visitor's Bureau
Vicksburg Civil War Museum
Vicksburg Riverfront Murals by Robert Dafford
Vicksburg Post Newspaper
Vicksburg Area Weather
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