Investigate! Each time a
historic or architecturally significant building in our community
is lost through deterioration or demolition or through inappropriate
changes to its exterior fabric, a piece of our heritage is lost as
well. Your membership in the Vicksburg Foundation for Historic
Preservation will help preserve and protect our unique built
environment. Become a member of the Foundation at one of the
following levels.
Student, $15
Individual, $25
Family, $35
Contributing, $45
Sustaining, $55
Patron, 100-$499
Business, $125
Gold Patron, $500-$999
Corporate, $500-$1000
Life, $1000
The directors and staff of the Foundation are grateful to those
who enthusiastically volunteer their time, talent and energy to
assist with the Foundation's programs and projects. After
membership, the most important funding sources to the Foundation are
its special and annual fundraising events and historic preservation
consulting activities.
The Foundation also contracts with local governments and others to
provide professional historic preservation services such as
cultural resources survey, the preparation of local historic
district ordinances, the preparation of design review guidelines,
the presentation of educational and technical assistance workshops
and seminars, National Register District nominations and Investment
Tax Credit applications.
Volunteers are always welcome to assist staff with project research
and development and with the preparation and presentation of
workshops and training seminars.
For more information on volunteer
please contact Nancy Bell at 601-636-5010 or
e-mail us.
Make A Gift!
are almost as many ways to give to the Vicksburg Foundation for
Historic Preservation as there are projects to support.
Donate local research materials such as architectural plans
and drawings, historical letters and photographs, articles, and
maps to our collections.
Donate over the phone to make a monetary contribution by
calling Nancy Bell, executive director, 601-636-5010, or mail
your donation to VFHP.
Donate property.
Include us in your will.
Investigate There are many ways
to get involved in historic preservation and learn more about your
community at the same time. Great resources include:
Mississippi Room at Vicksburg Warren County Library,
contains a wealth of information about Vicksburg, Warren County,
and Mississippi, including city directors, newspaper clippings
and books on local history.
Take a tour of the Vicksburg National Military Park and
learn how the campaign and siege unfolded on the city streets
and roads that we follow daily.
Visit the Old Court House Museum and learn more about our
community from the wonderful collection of artifacts.
Take a walking tour of some of Vicksburg's older
neighborhood. Get a copy of the Vicksburg Walking Tour Guide
which outlines three tours of the central city area.
Visit the Riverfront Murals on the floodwall along Levee
Street to explore life's history through the timeline of murals.

Vicksburg's Riverfront Murals
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